- Robust IgM responses following intravenous vaccination with Bacille Calmette-Guerin associate with prevention of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in macaques. Irvine et al (2021)
- Immune cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of Ugandan adults who resist versus those who develop latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection
- Multimodal profiling of lung granulomas in macaques reveals cellular correlates of tuberculosis control
- Age and sex influence antibody profiles associated with tuberculosis progression
- Humoral correlates of protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis following intravenous Bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccination in rhesus macaques
- Fc-engineered antibodies leverage neutrophils to drive control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- CD8+ lymphocytes are critical for early control of tuberculosis in macaques
- Specific CD4+ T cell phenotypes associate with bacterial control in people who ‘resist’ infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- CD4+ T cells are homeostasis regulators during Mtb reinfection
- Multi-modal data integration using Markov Field graphical networks predicts B cell depletion and immune responses associated with protective intravenous BCG (IV-BCG) vaccination against tuberculosis in macaques
- High-dose intravenous BCG vaccination induces enhanced immune signaling in the airways
- Intravenous BCG-mediated protection against tuberculosis requires CD4+ T cells and CD8alpha+ lymphocytes
- Systems-level computational translation of mouse and human transcriptomics reveals a role for the unfolded protein response in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection
- Molecular origins of mutational spectra produced by the environmental carcinogen N-nitrosodimethylamine and SN1 chemotherapeutic agents
- Interaction of N-Nitroamines with Bincuelar Copper Complexs for Luminsecent Detection
- Excision of mutagenic replication-blocking lesions suppresses cancer but promotes cytotoxicity and lethality in nitrosamine-exposed mice
- Benthic fluxes of fluorescent dissolved organic material, salt and heat measured by multiple-sensor aquatic eddy covariance
- Novel In Vivo CometChip Reveals NDMA-Induced DNA Damage and Repair in Multiple Mouse Tissues
- CometChip Enables Parallel Analysis of Multiple DNA Repair Activities
- Colorimetric Detection of Aqueous N-Nitrosodimethylamine via Photonitrosation of a Naphtholsulfonate Indicator
- Optical Detection of Interleukin-6 using Liquid Janus Emulsions using Hyperthermophilic Affinity Proteins
- Impact of fibrinogen, fibrin thrombi and thrombin on cancer cell extravasation using in vitro microvascular networks
- Utilizing convolutional neural networks for discriminating cancer and stromal cells in three-dimensional cell culture images with nuclei counterstain
- Personalized Vascularized Models of Breast Cancer Desmoplasia Reveal Biomechanical Determinants of Drug Delivery to the Tumor
- Polyploidy of MDA-MB-231 cells drives increased extravasation with enhanced cell-matrix adhesion
- Patient-specific vascularized tumor model: Blocking monocyte recruitment with multispecific antibodies targeting CCR2 and CSF-1R